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Login / Sign UpPrice $18,750,000 + $1.25M Inventory USD Valuation The business is priced based on its robust fundamentals including YoY growth, 2024...
With a global market size valued at $50+ billion in 2022, this well-established Amazon business is an online retailer of...
This business is a leading training management system, providing training analysis services to hundreds of users worldwide. With a worldwide...
This opportunity’s trademarked products have the exclusive feature of holding diabetic sensors in place without sticking to the sensor itself. ...
Listing Price Owner is open to offers. Seller financing is available SBA pre-approved for $5.0M+ (possibly $5.5M depending on buyer)...
Valuation This is a pre-profit opportunity. Price is based on the value of the company’s tech IP, Kickstarter campaign demonstrating...
Listing Price The owners are open to all serious offers. Business Overview Available for acquisition is an app (iOS/Android/Web) that...
This business is the premiere real estate publication in a popular Mexico destination. When the publication launched, it quickly established...
As a nationally recognized and respected organization, this company was founded to ensure that every child, regardless of their abilities,...